Portland cement type 5
In this type of cement – which is made for use in places that are exposed to sulfate attacks – the percentage of C3A is limited to a maximum of 5%. Since the hydration heat of this type of cement is much lower than the hydration heat of ordinary Portland cement, it can be used in bulk concreting.
This cement is used as anti-sulphate (anti-dandruff) Portland cement in situations where high resistance of concrete against sulphates is desired. This cement is used in projects of dam construction, bridge construction, foundation, soils and underground water which contain high sulfate. The amount of its C3A phase is lower than other cements. 14-day sulfate expansion and very low autoclave and high compressive strength are special features of type 5 cement.
The physical and chemical characteristics of type 5 cement produced by this company based on the Iranian national standard and EN standard are as follows:

Some properties and characteristics of concrete made with Portland cement type five of this company are as follows:
⦁ good resistance against destructive alkaline silicate reactions (ASR), due to the low level of alkalinity.
⦁ suitable resistance against sulfate corrosion
⦁ low heat of hydration and as a result better performance in hot weather and relatively bulky concreting
⦁ Increasing the durability of concrete due to the gradual and continuous increase in resistance